About The Author: Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P.
Mardie is also the Founder and CEO of Lifetime Adoption Center. Assisting with more than 140 adoptions each year, Lifetime has become one of the largest adoption centers in the country. Lifetime’s caring staff supports each woman as they consider their pregnancy choices, while encouraging waiting adoptive families throughout their adoption journey.
Mardie finds her role as an adoptive mother to be the most important in her life. The path that led Mardie to her son more than twenty years ago is one that was life-changing, as she often shares through her own testimony. She was inspired to design the popular and unique Adoption Prayer Bracelet, allowing those touched by adoption to display their adoption hope and blessings.
As an Adoption Expert, Mardie has graciously provided her knowledge, experience, and caring heart to media requests from across the country and around the world. Many people were first introduced to Mardie through one of her appearances in the media as one of the most experienced adoption experts in the United States. Most recently, she was featured on NBC’s The Today Show and CNN’s No Bias, No Bull. She has made many media appearances including TV (including CNN, Fox, NBC, Dr. Laura), numerous national radio interviews, and is widely sought for print articles.
To learn more about Mardie, please visit MardieCaldwell.com